Your life can change in just a matter of seconds. With so many cars on the road at any given time, especially in the Philadelphia area, the chances of being the victim of an automobile accident due to another’s negligence can be quite staggering.
Consider yourself lucky if you were only in a fender bender, as many other accidents are not so minor.
Recently, in Jefferson Hills, a head-on collision on Route 51 between a vehicle and a Port Authority bus resulted in the motorist’s death. The driver of the vehicle was traveling northbound in a southbound lane before hitting the bus head-on.
The victim was then taken to the hospital where he later died. The Port Authority bus driver was also transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
As is the case with most automobile accidents, negligence is most likely the cause of the accident in question. Somewhere along the line, the driver made the wrong decision to drive in the wrong lane. Maybe he was distracted? Maybe he ignored signs dictating the direction of traffic? We may never know.
What we do know is that the Port Authority bus driver sustained injuries that needed to be tended to. This now leaves him with medical expenses as well as lost wages from having to leave his job in the middle of the day. Not to mention, he might have to miss out on future shifts, losing more money, in addition to follow up checkups or medical treatment.
If you or loved one have been injured in a car accident due to another’s negligence, then you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney.
The attorneys at Baldwin Matzus, LLC in Philadelphia have a wealth of experience when it comes to personal injury cases and car accident litigation. They know what it takes to make sure you get the compensation and justice you deserve, while you concentrate on recovery and getting your life back on track.
They will thoroughly investigate the accident and find out who is at fault. They will also make sure you do not fall victim to an insurance claims adjuster, whose best interest always lies with the insurance company.
Do not waste another moment wondering if your case is worth looking into. Instead, call Baldwin Matzus, LLC at (866) 858-2276 or fill out our convenient online contact form to begin discussing your legal options today.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.