Driving at night is one of those things that some people avoid as much as possible because it can be rather scary on the roadways in the dark. Statistics from 2009 show that about 49 percent of fatal car crashes occur at night throughout the country. Use these safety tips to help reduce your risk of an accident when driving at night.
Buckle Up
One of the reasons why nighttime driving can be so dangerous is that people sometimes opt for going unbuckled. Keeping your seat belt buckled will help to improve your odds of survival if a crash were to happen.
Right Eyewear
There is a theory held by some that yellow tinted sunglasses will assist you in seeing better at night while driving, but it’s not true. In fact, it can reduce the amount of light that you encounter while driving, which can be bad for night driving. You should get anti-reflective coating on your prescription glasses if you are required to wear them when driving. This coating can help you deal with light at night better.
Your Lighting
To keep you and others safe, you should make sure that all of your exterior lights are functioning correctly. They all act as a guide for other drivers to know where you are and where you want to go, so keep them running well. In addition, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not using your interior lights at the highest setting. Dim them as low as you can to safely read them as too bright of lights can impair your night vision.
Be Alert For Wildlife
Animals on the road can be a real hazard. Anyone that hits a deer knows how scary it can be, and many animals are more active at night. Try to stay alert for animals, along with other drivers on the road. You can often see an animal’s eye reflected as two spots of light in the darkness. If an animal is in your way, you’ll want to try to slow down, if possible, and work to steer around the animal. Some animals, like deer, will follow your headlights if you don’t go around them.
These tips can help to make you more aware of safety issues when driving, but accidents can still happen. If you are involved in a car accident due to the negligence of another, get an experienced lawyer to assist you with your case. Contact Baldwin Matzus, LLC now about your recent car accident to protect your rights.